Dream 13: Writing & Gardens



Meet Lin.

I met her at an outdoor pumpkin and produce stand.

I asked Lin one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was her response.

“I’d be writing in my garden.”

Lin shared that she writes a lot of poetry. When she was in college, some of her writing was even published. Lin also has an interest in guitar. So when her kids got older, she started writing songs again and made a CD.

Lin is “more inspired in nature,” so she’s been intentional about creating beautiful spaces for reflection in her gardens at home. She created a meditation area with a bench in her garden where she spends time relaxing and writing. And a while back, when there was major construction being done in their neighborhood, they gathered rocks that had been dug up and included them in their landscape.


So what can we learn from Lin?

What’s clear about Lin’s story is that she’s been intentional. She’s created space in her life for beauty and the pursuit of her dreams.

I wonder, what if Lin hadn’t written that poetry back in college? What if Lin hadn’t written those songs or made that CD? What if Lin hadn’t designed and cared for the beautiful gardens at her home? I have to believe Lin’s life would’ve been a little less joyful had she not pursued those passions along the way.

Perhaps you’re someone who dreams a lot but never takes action. Take Lin’s lead and follow your heart, little bits at a time. Those little bits will add up to a lifetime of dream catching.

And let me add one more thing, because I think Lin’s on to something. What if life isn’t so much about pursuing one gigantic dream or one specific path, but saying yes to a thousand little dreams that add up to one beautiful life? Lin hasn’t done just one thing, but when you look back at the whole of her life, the big picture of little things added up makes complete sense. The little dreams fit together as Lin’s story, Lin’s life.

There’s wisdom to be found from those who have blazed paths before us.

So let’s be intentional.

Create space for what you love.

Let’s be purposeful.

Take one step, then another, and another.

Let’s be realistic.

Life isn’t a one-shot gig, but rather, unfolds in seasons. Perhaps not now will become yes, later.

Let’s be authentic.

Do the things that resonate most deeply with your heart and soul. And you can’t go wrong.

So tell me, how are you being intentional about creating space for your dreams? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/AmyBPederson where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at facebook.com/AmyBPederson! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.

  1. Tiffany Femling says:

    Focus is the key!

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